Get involved

Please use the form at the bottom of this page to be added to our email list of news updates and action alerts. Please use the comments section to let us know if you would be willing to help us organise events and actions in your area.

What can be done? 

1) Hold your representatives to account

Write to your MP urging them to support the demand for an end to the British role in the war in Yemen (see ‘Our Campaign’ for more detail). You can find a suggested letter to your MP here. Organise a visit to their constituency surgery if you can, and please let us know about how it goes.

To find out who your local MP is and how to contact them, go here and enter your postcode. 

You can find out how your MP voted on Emily Thornberry’s motion to end support for the war in Yemen here 

2) Spread the word

Order our leaflets (£5 per 200) and hand them out at your workplace, school, local supermarket, etc. If you can do this even just for an hour, perhaps with someone else, this can go a long way towards raising awareness and starting a discussion – who knows, even a movement! – in your locality.

Few people know about the true extent of the slaughter being visited on the Yemeni people, or the depth of British support for this slaughter. Other ways you can help raise awareness could include:

  • sharing this site and others like it on social media
  • creating stencils, banners, etc
  • running a stall in your town centre. Again, we can provide leaflets.

If you want to print them yourself, you can download our leaflet here.

3) Volunteer with us

If you have any free time you are willing to contribute to this campaign, let us know using the contact form below. Whatever your skills, there will definitely be something for you to do! (Much of which can be done from home)

4) Organise a meeting or a demo in your local area

Get in touch if you are interested in doing this. We can provide speakers and give some advice on logistics. We are especially keen to organise demonstrations against Cabinet ministers and MPs who voted for the slaughter in Yemen, so please let us know if you happen to know of any visiting your town…

5) Donate 

We need donations to cover things such as making leaflets, banners, travel expenses for speakers and so on. Please give ‘Yemen campaign’ as a reference if you donate.

6) Consider direct action 

Banner drops, stencils, occupations and similar actions can all help to raise awareness. This website has some excellent ideas.

The ploughshares movement has a long history of disabling weapons systems used for war crimes. Sam Walton and Reverend Daniel Woodhouse were found not guilty in their attempts to destroy a BAe Systems jet for sale to Saudi Arabia earlier this year, after the judge found their actions reasonable, given the likelihood of the jet being used to commit war crimes. Sam Walton discusses the action here


Contact form 

Please use this form if you wish to be added to our email group for news updates and notices of upcoming events and actions. Please also let us know in the comments section if you would be willing to consider helping to organise events in your area, hand out some leaflets, or volunteer in any other capacity!